Friday 22 April 2016


Good morning everyone! I trust the night was great. Okay I just want to share a story with you this morning....
There are these times when you feel rejected, unloved, betrayed, and so on....

An orphan girl from a small village had lost everything...her parents, her inheritance, EVERYTHING! It felt like she was alone in the world. Her entire relatives didn't want her because they felt she was "ill luck". How could fire have consumed everything and everyone in her family compound and she remained unharmed! The truth is that she had gone with her friends to pluck some mangoes and met the ugly scene when she got back. But nobody believed her, even the same friends she left with now avoided her. They could not stand up for her! To top it off, she was sent away from the village. So she courageously set off, although she didn't know where she was going, she just thought "anywhere but here". That night, the only shelter she could find was the foot of a tree, so she decided to rest for the night, after night, after night! She didn't want to think this was the end...
One day, a  couple who came on tourism and 
were lost while travelling saw her and stopped. They questioned her as to why she was all alone in the middle of  nowhere and she narrated her entire ordeal to them. They were greatly moved by her story and decided to take her with them. They gave her an education, a name, a family, they gave her a life. Finally she was home!

Sometimes, these things we face are only temporary and help catapult us onto a greater destination. The girl in the story didn't give up, she didn't let her feelings overwhelm her. She moved on and something greater moved in.
Long story short, let's not let those feelings of rejection, betrayal, sadness and so on overwhelm us. We need to find the courage to rise above those negative feelings, leave them behind and forge ahead! You might be in your own "middle of nowhere" but remember "anywhere but here"

*stay tuned*

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