Wednesday 20 July 2016


If you really want to know if it's for real this time, if you've finally met "the one", read on...

Love is a pretty powerful drug. When you feel it, you really feel it. It can suspend time, making the whole world seem still except for you two.
It feeds you more than any nourishment; you feel full in the presence of love.
But there’s a vast difference between love and true love. True love knows no depth. It’s an endless tunnel that sweeps you up in the whirlwind and you’re never quite free from it. It stays with you. And you hope this person will too.
True love isn’t ordinary. It doesn’t come around often and that’s how you’ll know it’s genuine.
….Or, you know, you could read this list and find out for yourself. Here are some signs you are truly in love with your partner:
1. You see something and instead of thinking how happy it makes you, you think about how happy it would make them.
2. You feel more at home with them than you've ever felt in your entire life. 
3. You can get all-out mad or depressed or happy or whatever it is that you are in front of them. And you know it won't change how they feel about you.
4. Patience: It doesn't matter how long it takes for them to understand something, you enjoy spending the time teaching or learning from them.
5. You have the option to wear your go-to outfit, but still take an extra five minutes to get ready.
6. You don't desire other people. Yes, you might find some of them attractive, but no part of you wants them.
7. Their happiness means more than your own.
8. You willingly give in to the things you normally don't compromise on.
9. You never grow tired of their company. It's always just better when they are there. Even if you two don't fill the silence, you're content simply knowing they are present.
10. You have moments of insecurity but their reassurance makes you realize it doesn't matter. Only when they say things will be fine do you genuinely believe it.
11. You dream of all the ways you can take care of them more than you dream of all the ways you want them to take care of you.
12. They can come at you with anything — news, secrets, maybe even a baseball bat — and you won't judge or hate them for it.
13. You wake up happy if only because you get to see them that day.
How can you know if you're truly in love? How do you believe and trust your feelings? 
Ask yourself: Do their thoughts course through your veins? Can you honestly tell yourself that they are the one? Do you flinch at the thought of them? And when you are done questioning yourself, throw them all away because love is not something that is completely practical, it is impractical, messy, hard, tough and amazing. And if you think you are in love then you are; for that is what love is.
" Love is what you think it is and you are the only one who can define it."


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