Sunday 1 May 2016


Saying I love you all the time sometimes just isn't enough...

Actions prove who someone is...words prove merely who they want to be so show love and don't just say it all the time. Worse still, when you say it and then do things that prove the opposite! Actions should meet verbal commitments,  not conflict them.
Try as much as possible to make your words align with your actions because people forget what they hear and always believe what they see so, back up your words with some substance.

 You can repeatedly apologise for your wrong, but if your actions do not change, the words become meaningless. It's better to simply act the way you wish than give your loved ones false hope. Don't make them think you are actually remorseful if you are just going to do it again.

 Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day.”

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