Thursday 19 May 2016


The Sagittarius zodiac sign in love....


Idealistic and honest, witty and fun-loving, a Sagittarius woman needs a partner who expresses love, loyalty, and a dedication that matches her own. She seeks romance, excitement, and adventure and will not tolerate boredom or neediness in a partner. She is optimistic and spontaneous, spiritual and philosophical. Ideally, the Sagittarius woman would be happiest with a romantic partner who appreciates and encourages her love of life and her need for independence.
In love and in life, the Sagittarius women need a challenge. If she finds herself becoming bored or stuck in a rut, she may run in the other direction. When she finds love with a committed partner, she will be a dedicated lover and friend. Sometimes her intensity can come on a little strong, but that's only because she is so full of passion and so intent on sharing it with the right person.

Sagittarius is a fun-loving, happy sign that's usually a joy to be around. The Archer seems to always be upbeat, and he wants everyone around him to be the same way. If you're down in the dumps, he'll cheer you up with his witticisms and cajoling. You'll never find a Sagittarius man boring. He loves to travel, and an incredible appetite for adventure.
The Archer is open and honest and never tries to hide his feelings, so you'll know exactly where he stands on most issues. Don't ask him a question unless you're prepared to hear the unabashed truth. He never means to be hurtful; it's just that he isn't a very good liar, even when a small fib could spare your feelings. On the other hand, when a Sagittarius man pays you a compliment, you can rest assured that he's being sincere. If he tells you that he loves you, he'll mean it, but you might never hear those words from him. Even if he should fall in love with you, he might still have trouble committing to marriage or any long-term relationship.
Sagittarius is drawn to intelligent, dynamic women. Getting his attention usually isn't difficult as he finds practically everyone interesting. The problem will be keeping his interest. He becomes bored easily and finds commitment difficult. He often feels that he should experience a wide variety of women instead of settling all his energies on just one. To keep an Archer's interest, never allow him to become bored with you or with the relationship. If he finds himself in a rut, he'll seek excitement elsewhere. 
That's a wrap for the zodiac signs in love!  *Whew*
You still gotta stay tuned for more blog posts!

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