Sunday 1 May 2016


As powerful as being in a relationship can be, there are some things that even love can’t change....

So many people go into relationships with someone that possesses some qualities that do not sink well with them...
but they go into it anyway because they think he/she will change with time.
Time may be a healer but it is no magician. They may actually change because they love you and they're doing it for you. But trust me, if they're only doing it for you it won't last. They'll go back to their old ways after a while. They can only change if it comes from within. Nobody can sincerely change until they have resolved within themselves to do so.
This change that you're forcing won't last. They're only doing it for you, not for them.
You can't save someone that doesn't want to be don't loose yourself in trying to find someone else...

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