Thursday 5 May 2016


We're back again, and this time its for the girls. Find out if the guy you like has locked you away in the friendzone...

Lately, you might have noticed something different about him that makes you feel like you are going to be stuck in the friend zone forever. If you feel this way, you are probably right because you may be getting friendzoned by him and don't even know it yet. Here are some ways to tell.
You and him are not dating—yet—in your mind you feel that maybe with a little more time, you can finally go on your first date. Don't take this personally, but you may be in the friend zone and just don't realize it.

 Short responses

If you send a guy a text and he gives very short responses or waits a long time to respond, then you’re definitely friend zoned. Guys who are into you will put in some effort to keep the conversation going. Now, some men naturally aren’t good with texting, but short responses during a conversation are also friend zone signs.

He keeps forgetting to get your number

Ever since you met him, you've been asking the question, why doesn't he try to get my number?
It may look like he's just forgets to ask for your number, just in case he has to call, but it is highly likely that he is trying to send you to the friend zone.

He makes it hard for you to initiate physical contact

What's a girl got to do to get a hug around here?
That may be the thought going through you head, when asking yourself, why is it so hard to initiate physical contact?
Call it old fashion but if you are having trouble get a hug and even bump shoulders with him, it's not because he doesn't want to be touched. The more likely reason behind why it feels like he put invisible handcuffs on you is that he may be friend-zoning you.

He doesn't notice the little things about you

I had something done to my hair. It might not be much, but— do you think he will notice?
If he's never asked you if you did something to your hair or noticed that you got a pair of new shoes recently I regretfully inform you that you may be heading to the friend zone.
Okay, he hasn't asked you yet about the new handbag you just got despite the fact that it's so obvious that it might as well be stamped on your forehead.
Is this a sign that you should be worried about being friendzoned?
Yes it is.

He tries to give you dating advice

When the guy you like is trying to set you up with other guys and giving you advice on dating, you may find yourself in one of those he is just not that into you situations or would he would rather just be friends. Nevertheless, he wants to put you in the friend zone.
So what if he want you to start seeing other guys. You two are not even dating.

He talks with other girls more than you

This is huge.
If a guy talks with other girls more than you, he has begun to create the distance between you and him required to put you in the friend zone.

No “emotional” conversations

When you like someone, there comes a point in time when you say it to that person. When you try to tell a guy you like him and he shrugs it off, or says “thanks”, then it’s time to move on. A man who’s into you will be thrilled to know that you like him, too! He’ll show it, he’ll say it, and you won’t have any doubt. Sometimes you just have to be the one to make that first move.

You go days or weeks without communication

Even now, you're watching my phone waiting for him to respond to your text. A guy who wants you will not make you wait, he’ll respond within a reasonable and decent amount of time.

He forgets things you say or do

 There’s no thrilling conversations between you, he doesn’t hang on to every word you say, and he’s not trying to be a part of  your life. He really couldn’t care less. That’s one of the friend zone signs.

These are signs that might indicate that you've been friendzoned girl...

Sources:  and


  1. Sylvia, I agree with everything except the first one about short responses, sometimes responses can be short because the person is occupied but the guy still likes you.

    1. I think you should be able to differentiate when someone replies you while he/she is busy and when he/she gives you short replies just for the sake of responding.
      Thanks for dropping your comment.


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